
Linked below are selected publications by Dr. John Kasarda addressing the basics of airport city and aerotropolis planning and development. Additional articles can be found on the publications link of

Airport Cities & the Aerotropolis: New Planning Models

April, 2007
Appears in Airport Innovation

Airports have traditionally been viewed as places where aircraft operate and passengers and cargo transit. This traditional understanding is giving way to a broader, more encompassing model which recognizes the fact that along with their core aeronautical infrastructure and services, virtually all major airports have incorporated a wide variety of non-aeronautical facilities and services.

Size Doesn’t Matter

March, 2007
Global Airport Cities

Dr John Kasarda explains how a smaller Brazilian airport aims to revive its fortunes by transforming itself into an airport city.

Blueprint for The Future

March, 2007
Global Airport Cities

Dr John Kasarda reports on Hyderabad's plans to create one of the world's great airport cities at its new $390 million gateway.

Awaiting…the aerotropolis

February, 2007

For very long our airports have been deliberately planned outside city limits. One can’t say they have been neglected, but surely they were never top priority. But going by some important facts, it’s compelling to take a re-look. Consider this: 40 per cent of the value of world trade now goes by air (and this is just under 2 per cent of the total trade, by weight).

Aerotropoli: Airport Cities

January, 2007
Article by Max Moore-Wilton, AC

Chairman, Macquire Airports Management Limited Last month the New York Times nominated the "aerotropolis" as one of the "Ideas of 2006." It seems that everyone is talking aerotropoli or aerotropolises: it is an idea whose time has come.

Aerotropolis – the large airport of the Future

Article by Von Wilhelm Bender

* in German Airport Cities are economic shining towers, job engines, points of attraction for industrial settlements, an ideal situation for real estate networks and business connections and at the same time present a positive image for municipalities and regions, improving scientific structures without stopping national subsidies.

Speaking Volumes

Global Airport Cities

Led by a convergence of aviation, globalization, digitisation and time-based competition, the worlds of air commerce and supply chain management are rapidly merging.

The appropriate scale of US airport retail activities

November 2006

Terminal-based retail has been sufficiently successful that many airport operators are considering enlarging their facilities in order to increase revenues. On the basis of data on the retail sales and rental revenues for 75 of the US’s most important passenger airports, we demonstrate the significant impact of passenger demography on the volume and nature of airport retail sales. A method is outlined for combining information on the demography of passenger flows with construction costs in order to evaluate appropriate capital investments for terminal retail expansions.

The Impact of the Air Cargo Industry on the Global Economy

September 13, 2006
The International Air Cargo Association Forum

This paper summarizes how the air cargo industry is changing and what the future holds. It covers emerging air cargo sectors, the new geography of air cargo, how air cargo in fostering global economic development, and the need for aviation liberalization if air cargo is to achieve its full development potential.

The New Model

August 2006

The new model recognizes the fact that in addition to their core aeronautical infrastructure and services, major airports have developed significant nonaeronautical commercial facilities, services and revenue streams. At the same time they are extending their formal reach and impact well beyond airport boundaries.

Rise of the Aerotropolis

July/August 2006
Appears in Fast Company

Business writer Greg Lindsay examines the efforts of John Kasarda to plan, promote, and develop aerotropolises around the world for urban and national competitive advantages. The challenges Kasarda has faced are highlighted.

Airport Cities and the Aerotropolis

July 26, 2006

Airports have historically been understood as places where aircraft operate, including the runways, control towers, terminals, hangers and other facilities which directly serve aircraft, passengers and cargo. This historical understanding is giving way to a broader, more encompassing concept which recognizes the fact that in addition to their core aeronautical infrastructure and services, virtually all major airports have increasingly developed non-aeronautical commercial facilities and services.

The Rise of the Aerotropolis


Airports are no longer simply places where airplanes land and passengers and cargo transit. Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport ia a case in point. About 58,000 people are daily employed on the airport grounds. Its passenger terminal—containing an expansive mix of shopping, dining, and entertainment arcades—doubles as a suburban mall that is accessible both to air travelers and the general public. Amsterdam residents regularly shop and relax in the airport's public section, especially on Sundays and at night when most city stores are closed.

Golden Land or Urbanized Swamp: Nakhon Suvarnabhumi concept deserves serious consideration

December 7, 2005
Appears in Bangkok Post

It has taken nearly half a century to transform a place once called Nong Ngu Hao (Cobra Swamp) into a leading international airport named Suvarnabhumi, or Golden Land. Now, Thailand has a one-time chance to coordinate development around its new airport to create a truly "Golden Land" that can boost the nation's well-being for the next half century. At stake is no less than Thailand's potential for higher economic standing and more sustainable development around the airport.

Air Cargo, Liberalization, and Economic Development

July, 2005

Led by a convergence of aviation, globalization, digitization, and time-based competition, the worlds of commerce and supply chain management are rapidly changing.

Air Cargo as an Economic Development Engine: A Note on Opportunities and Constraints

Journal of Air Transport Management

This study provides an empirical analysis of the relationship between air cargo and both trade and gross domestic product per capita for 63 nations. Structural equation models show that three factors enhance air cargo's positive economic impact: air service liberalization, improving Customs quality, and reducing corruption. The model further assesses the effects of these three factors on direct foreign investment per capita and gross domestic product per capita in the 63 countries, finding statistically significant relationships of all three factors on both dependent variables.

The 2004 Global Infrastructure Report

September 2004
Appears in Site Selection

Corporate logistics requirements have airport cities morphing into "aerotropoli"; seaports are deepening channels for tomorrow's superfreighters; and bridge, tunnel and road projects will fix bottlenecks in the movement of people and freight.

From Airport City to Aerotropolis

August/September 2001

An increasingly fast-paced, economically-networked world is changing the rules of industrial competition and business location.

Logistics & the Rise of the Aerotropolis

Winter, 2000/2001
Appears in Real Estate Issue

More than a decade ago, futurist Alvin Toffler predicted that by the beginning of the 21st century one indisputable law would determine competitive success: survival of the fastest.

Aerotropolis: Airport-Driven Urban Development

November, 2000
Appears in ULI on the Future: Cities in the 21st Century

A new airport-driven urban economic form is evolving - the Aerotropolis. It is being ushered in by large jet aircraft and telecommunications advances accelerating global integration, time-based competition, and corresponding needs for speed, agility, and connectivity in the movement of people and products around the world.

Planning the Aerotropolis

October/November, 2000

Airport planners are not just planning airports. The economic impact of airports means that they often help to form and shape cities. Henry Canaday talks to John Kasarda, director of the Kenan Institute at the University of North Carolina.

Time-Based Competition & Industrial Location in the Fast Century

Winter, 1999
Appears in Real Estate Issues

What opportunities and challenges await the 21st century industry? The picture is becoming clearer by the day. Commercial borders will effectively supplant national borders. Global sourcing will predominate as advanced telecommunications and transportation technologies allow a wide geographic dispersion of component manufacturing sites and places of final assembly, predicated on raw material availability, labor costs and skills, and markets.

Knowledge Management Across Multi-tier Enterprises: The Promise of Intelligent Software in the Auto Industry

August, 1999
Appears in European Management Journal

The automotive industry is at a critical juncture in its evolution. Vehicle manufacturers are merging horizontally into large portfolio-oriented companies focused on assembly and marketing while reducing their in-house development and manufacturing depth in favor of a multi-tier supplier base.

Innovative Infrastructure for Agile Manufacturers

Winter, 1998
Appears in Sloan Management Review

Increased global competition means that industry and government must work together to ensure that manufacturers have support networks of transportation, telecommunications, services, and knowledge centers.

Logistics, Strategy and Structure

Appears in International Journal of Operations & Production Management

The competitive environment for manufacturing firms has changed drastically in the past ten to 15 years. Customers in geographically dispersed, emerging and established global markets now demand higher quality products at lower cost in a shorter time. As a result, firms have been forced to reorganize their manufacturing activities and realign their global strategies.

"International airline routes are the quintessential manifestation of 21st-century globalization. They are our high-speed physical Internet, moving people and products quickly and efficiently over long distances. Airports are its routers, attracting time-critical, globally oriented businesses of all types to their environs creating a new urban form – the Aerotropolis."

John D. Kasarda

Aerotropolis The Way We'll Live Next

Read More Get the Book

"Two miles of road or rail will take people and products two miles; two miles of runway will take them almost anywhere in the world."

John D. Kasarda

"The aerotropolis is the physical incarnation of globalization made concrete in urban form reflecting local interfaces of worldwide airborne flows of people and products."

John D. Kasarda

"In today's turbulent, speed-driven economy, it is no longer the big eating the small, but the fast eating the slow."

John D. Kasarda

"Airports are not just trade facilitators; they are trade creators by quickly connecting businesspeople and high-value, time-critical products to distant customers and markets."

John D. Kasarda

"Cities used to be almost exclusively destinations and airports solely places of departure. Now airports are becoming destinations and cities places of departure as their residents and workers increasingly travel to emerging airport cities and aerotropolises around the world."

John D. Kasarda

"Under Global City 4.0, exports of knowledge-based, information-intensive business services – delivered to distant sites by air traveling auditors, consultants, corporate lawyers, investment bankers, marketers, and professionals of all types – will far eclipse the value of the Global City’s goods exports."

John D. Kasarda

"As our world becomes increasingly networked, ever-greater amounts of commerce will flow to and through its hubs, especially its major air hubs and the metropolitan regions they serve, creating a global hierarchy of aerotropolises established by the strength of air hub connectivity and resulting value of goods and services trade generated."

John D. Kasarda

"Where aviation thrives, the metropolitan region thrives."

John D. Kasarda

"One objective of my aerotropolis writings and commentary is to stimulate critical thought and healthy debate resulting in more-informed actions."

John D. Kasarda